
Why iPhone/iPad not support Flash?

前日iPad發佈後,上網睇到好多人問:( 點解iPhone同iPad仲唔Support Flash?)

Adobe responds to lack of flash on the iPad
It looks like Apple is continuing to impose restrictions on their devices that limit both content publishers and consumers. Unlike many other ebook readers using the ePub file format, consumers will not be able to access ePub content with Apple's DRM technology on devices made by other manufacturers. And without Flash support, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web.

If I want to use the iPad to connect to Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab — not to mention the millions of other sites on the web — I'll be out of luck.

Adobe and more than 50 of our partners in the Open Screen Project are working to enable developers and content publishers to deliver to any device, so that consumers have open access to their favorite interactive media, content, and applications across platform, regardless of the device that people choose to use.

其實Adobe仲急過Apple,事實上當所有支援HTML5的<Video>Tag既Browser都廣泛使用後,Flash Player應用相信會更少。

