
Feedly Duplicate Filter 2014

轉至Feedly後,依然還要經常應付Google Reader時的1000+問題,即時超過1000條Feed未看,這還是最常出現在Delicious當中。

之前介紹過Feedly Duplicate Remover以及後來的Chrome Extension - Reader Filter




大家可以由此下載Feedly Duplicate Filter 2014

Source Code:

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Feedly Duplicate Filter 2014
// @version       1.0.4
// @description       Remove the Feedly duplicate entry. For more detail please visit http://tatmingstudio.blogspot.com/2014/01/Feedly-Duplicate-Filter-2014.html
// @require https://raw.github.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/master/gm_config.js
// @grant   GM_getValue
// @grant   GM_setValue
// @grant   GM_log
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @icon http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JATNWaWcCKE/UtOTU7vEsXI/AAAAAAAAaME/G4y9e-G9pJ4/s800/feedly-icon.png
// @include http*://*feedly.com/*
// @namespace http://tatmingstudio.blogspot.com/2014/01/Feedly-Duplicate-Filter-2014.html
// @run-at document-end
// @downloadURL       https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19160547/Files/Feedly_Duplicate_Filter.user.js
// @updateURL       https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19160547/Files/Feedly_Duplicate_Filter.user.js
// ==/UserScript==
Version History:
2012-01-29 v1.0.4
Fix Bug: The snuggled duplicate items not filtering..
2012-01-29 v1.0.3
Improve performace.
Fix regex match accidentally.
Add Threshold setting, the number of items to compare, reduce the number will improve memory usage but also reduce accuracy.
Add GM_config save() event.
2012-01-23 v1.0.2
Add regex support with default value: match all title only contain domain name.
2014-01-20 v1.0.1
Fixed memory leak because uncomment console.log() accidentally.
2014-01-13 v1.0 
Initial release.
// Add config style
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;
addGlobalStyle('#GM_config_Feedly_Duplicate_Filter { width: 450px ! important; height: 330px ! important; }');
  'id': 'GM_config_Feedly_Duplicate_Filter', // The id used for this instance of GM_config
  'title': 'Feedly Duplicate Filter Settings', // Panel Title
  'fields': // Fields object
      'label': 'Filter Mode :', // Appears next to field
      'type': 'radio', // Makes this setting a series of radio elements
      'options': ['Hide', 'Highlight'], // Possible choices
      'default': 'Hide' // Default value if user doesn't change it
      'label': 'Threshold :', // Appears next to field
      'type': 'text', // Makes this setting a series of radio elements
      'title': 'Number of items to compare, reduce the number will improve memory usage but also reduce accuracy.', // Add a tooltip (hover over text)
      'size': 5, // Limit length of input (default is 25)
      'default': '200' // Default value if user doesn't change it
      'label': 'Highlight Background Color :', // Appears next to field
      'type': 'text', // Makes this setting a text input
      'title': 'Color HEX format. (e.g. #3366AA)', // Add a tooltip (hover over text)
      'size': 8, // Limit length of input (default is 25)
      'default': '#EBCBCB' // Default value if user doesn't change it
      'label': 'Highlight Font Color :', // Appears next to field
      'type': 'text', // Makes this setting a text input
      'title': 'Color HEX format. (e.g. #3366AA)', // Add a tooltip (hover over text)
      'size': 8, // Limit length of input (default is 25)
      'default': '#797979' // Default value if user doesn't change it
      'label': 'Match by Regular expressions :', // Appears next to field
      'type': 'textarea', // Makes this setting a text input
      'title': 'Please be careful to use this field, if you don\'t sure, just leave it blank.', // Add a tooltip (hover over text)
      'default': '' // Please be careful to use this.
  'open': function (doc) {
      var config = this;
      doc.getElementById(config.id + '_field_Regex').cols = 65;
      doc.getElementById(config.id + '_field_Regex').rows = 5;
      doc.getElementById(config.id + '_field_Regex').style = "font-size:12px;";
    'save': function(values) {
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Open Config", function(){
var box = document.getElementById("box");
box.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(){
 var filtermode = GM_config.get('FilterMode').toUpperCase();
 var threshold = GM_config.get('Threshold');
 var bgcolor = GM_config.get('HighlightBackgroundColor');
 var fontcolor = GM_config.get('HighlightFontColor');
 var regex = GM_config.get('Regex');
 var a=document.getElementsByClassName("u0Entry");
 var uEntry=a.length>0?a:null;
 var arr = new Array();
 var idx = new Array();
 var endto = (uEntry.length >= threshold ? (uEntry.length - threshold) : 0);
 for(var y=uEntry.length-1; y>=endto; y--) {
  //Comment for v1.0.4 fix.
  /*if (uEntry[y].style.display == 'none' || uEntry[y].style.backgroundColor == bgcolor) {
  else {*/
 var i = arr.length, j, val;
    while (i--) {
     val = arr[i];
     j = i;
     while (j--) {
      if (arr[j] === val || (regex != '' && regexMatch(val, regex)) ) {
    //console.log("[Duplicate found] " + "Reference : " + val + " | " + "Value : " + arr[j]);
    if (filtermode == 'HIDE') 
     uEntry[idx[i]].setAttribute("style","display:none"); /*To hide the duplicate.*/
       else if (filtermode == 'HIGHLIGHT') {
         /* Or you may want to highlight the duplicate instead of hide. */
     uEntry[idx[i]].setAttribute("style","background-color: " + bgcolor);
     uEntry[idx[i]].getElementsByTagName("div")[4].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].setAttribute("style","color: " + fontcolor);
}, false);
function replaceAll(find, replace, str) {
  return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace);
function regexMatch(str, regex)
 if (regex == '')
  return false;
  return (str.match(regex) != null);
 } catch (ex)
  return false;

3 則留言:

  1. how can i use this on cards view mode?

    1. It support the title view (like Google Reader) only. Due to i suppose this temporary solution and feedly should do it soon...

  2. 火狐31、油猴子2.1。
