
WordPress 檢查無效圖片連結Plugins - WP-LinkCheck

昨天寫好了新的WordPress Plugin , 就隨意地給個名字叫WP-LinkCheck
顧名思義就是檢查你WordPress中的連結,不過是圖片連結,暫時還在等WP官方approve到WordPress Plugin Directory,
我先上傳到自己的空間,有興趣的話,大家可以試試,等WP approve後,我再更新資料。

Latest release:1.0.2 (Update on 03-JUL-2010)
WP-LinkCheck is a lightweight plugin ability to check all image sources are broken inside your WordPress blog, it check the http header by server response ,it don't have to download the images to boost the performace and bandwidth.

Repersent the result to SlickGrid utilizes virtual rendering to enable you to easily work with 50000+ of items without any drop in performance.
WP-LinkCheck will NOT make any database change (create table, modify table etc...), and NOT to create any cache files to keep your WordPress directory clean.

If the broken links are found, WP-LinkCheck will NOT do any modication / deletion to the content, everythings is under your control, you can simply click the post title and correct the url by yourself.
Ability to handle several HTTP Error in broken image includes:
  • 403 Access Denied/Forbidden
  • 404 File Not Found
  • 410 Gone
  • 500 Internal server error


Screenshots :

Changelogs :
Changed : Compatibility with WordPress 3.0.0
Changed : Update SlickGrid to 1.3.2
Fixed : Fixed unexpected output to affect the RSS output.

Fixed: jQuery Conflict with WP visual editor.
Changed: The http request timeout has changed from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.

Initial Release

