
Silverlight in Eclipse IDE - eclipse4SL

我之前一直在想,有沒有免費的軟件是取代MS自家的Expression Blend,我找到的都是商業軟件,免費的如XamlPad,只是人手輸入XAML,不是一個Design Tool。莫非要設計XAML,就一定要付錢買軟件?既然最新Silverlight 2支持免費的Visual Web Developer做程式部份,那圖形部份怎麼辦? 好彩MS在有意無意支持一個計劃。

寫過Java/PHP的人應該一定知道什麼是Eclipse,但有誰想過可以用Eclipse設計Silverlight,這個軟件叫做eclipse4SL (Eclipse for Silverlight)。
Homepage : http://eclipse4sl.org

網頁說明是這樣的 :
- XAML Editor & Preview with code hinting and code completion: Eclipse will contain an advanced, standards-compliant XAML editor with code hinting and code hinting features which helps detect and correct coding errors.
- Full compatibility with Microsoft's Development and Design Tools: The XAML and Silverlight projects created by Eclipse will be fully supported by both Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Expression Studio tools.
我未有時間試玩,不過有 ScreenShot 睇下。

