主要是新增真正Resize圖片功能,不是單單把原圖片set Width同Height~
刪除HighSlide中沒有用的File,減低HighSlide JS的Size。
另外再加進Output BBCode功能。
Update HighSlide JS 至 v4.1.2
或者可以直接去WordPress Plug-in官網下載。

Hi Tatming!
回覆刪除I like this plugin so much. However, after I upload images, I can'i see the HTML code. can you help me?
No, I didn't see anything. After I upload image, It returns upload pages. My yahoo ID is fshop68_2 . I hope you can help me.. thank you so much!
回覆刪除@Minh Hoa:
回覆刪除I think the only reason that no html output, is the images upload did not success, have u check the wordpress upload folder the images exist or not?
I have checked, this folder exists.
回覆刪除I've checked the folder, after I uploaded, this folder hasn't got any images I've uploaded.
回覆刪除the filename doesn't contain any special character